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730 Security Personnel Trained for Cricket World Cup

February 25, 2007

The Full Story

Some 730 security personnel have been trained as part of preparations for the staging of the ICC Cricket World Cup (CWC) 2007.
Of this total, 522 are from the Jamaica Constabulary Force with the remainder from the private security corps.
According to the Executive Director of the Jamaica Local Organizing Committee (LOC), Robert Bryan, the necessary certification has been secured to allow for these trained personnel to be deployed in the proper manner for the staging of the event. “Without the proper certification from the ICC’s security training company, we cannot deploy any security,” he explained at a recent press conference at the Kingston offices of the Jamaica LOC.
He said that the numbers trained were in excess of what was required, but noted that, “we want to make sure that we can cover all eventualities”.
In terms of the deployment of the security personnel, Mr. Bryan said that the LOC was developing a ‘match by match’ deployment plan, based on ticket sales and stadium seating.
“That exercise is now ongoing so that within a couple of days, we will have a very clear match by match deployment matrix for our security personnel,” he informed.
In the meantime, the security committee is engaged in daily simulation exercises at both venues, working with venue management teams to ensure that all security arrangements are fined-tuned and implemented.
“If you go to both venues, you will observe that there are strict security measures in place that should restrict you from having free access and that applies right across the board,” Mr. Bryan said.
“We expect that within the coming hours and days, that these security requirements will become tighter and tighter as the accreditation process is rolled out in those areas,” he added.
“We are asking everybody to understand that the venues are now under tournament rules and guidelines and therefore these security measures will facilitate the smooth planning and protection of all the necessary infrastructure and equipment that have been put in place there,” Mr. Bryan said.

Last Updated: February 25, 2007

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