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70,000 Tonnes of Cement Expected in September

August 21, 2006

The Full Story

Come September, it is expected that some 70,000 tonnes of cement will be imported into the island. This is a significant increase over the 7,400 tonnes imported so far in August.
At a joint meeting at the Ministry of Industry, Technology, Energy and Commerce (MITEC) today (August 21), representatives from the Ministry, the Incorporated Master Builders Association, the Hardware Merchants Association, and the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce made the announcement.
The entities stated that two companies have indicated their intention to import cement into the island next month.
Mainland is to import 40,000 tonnes of bagged cement, while the Buying House is to import another 30,000 tonnes with 18,500 being bagged cement and the remainder bulk.
It was also confirmed that another 8,000 tonnes of cement from Cuba is expected to arrive on Thursday of this week.
Meanwhile, the entities reported that the Caribbean Cement Company Limited (CCCL) would make available between 16,000 and 17,000 tonnes of cement this week.
Last week the CCCL sold 13,852 tonnes of cement with 4,010 being bulk and the remainder equalling 325,000 bags. This was an increase over the previous week when 12,064 tonnes of cement were sold.
The Cement Company stated that year-to-date sales have amounted to 554,533 tonnes, compared with 567,000 for the similar period last year.

Last Updated: August 21, 2006

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