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$50 Million to Develop Small Ruminant Sector

March 30, 2010

The Full Story

The small ruminant industry has received a total of $50.1 million in the Estimates of Expenditure, which is now before the House of Representatives.
This will be spent under the Diversification of the Caribbean Livestock through the Production of Small Ruminants Project, with the aim of contributing to the attainment of self sufficiency in regional meat consumption initially through the development of the small ruminant industry; to increase the availability of quality breeding stock at affordable prices; and to increase the production of small ruminants meats and ancillary products.
Anticipated physicals targets include completion of funding negotiations and agreement and project inception activities; selection and procurement of stock for breeding; initiation of breeding and seed stock multiplication; assessment of training needs, development of curriculum and delivery systems; training of trainers/livestock support personnel; and train farmers in production of hay, forage conservation, sheep and goat husbandry, meat fabrication and marketing.
The project is funded by the Government of Jamaica and the Common Fund for Commodities. It is expected that the programme will begin in April 2010 and end in March 2018.

Last Updated: August 19, 2013

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