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Fire Service Gets $86 Million for Capital Improvements

March 31, 2010

The Full Story

The Government has provided $86.5 million in the 2010/11 Budget to improve fire protection services provided by the Jamaica Fire Brigade (JFB).
Of the total sum, $35 million will be spent on spare parts to repair five vehicles, while $30.7 million will be used for the procurement of equipment, such as standby generators, gas warning devices, breathing apparatus and protective jackets, for fire prevention and fire fighting activities.
Another $15.8 million will: facilitate repairs and maintenance of fire stations on a priority basis; commence construction of fire stations in Port Maria (St. Mary), Barnett Street (St. James) and the Jamaica Fire Brigade training school, Kingston; and the relocation of the Jamaica Fire Brigade headquarters in Kingston.
The remaining $5 million will be used for the repair and replacement of fire hydrants islandwide, on a priority basis.
Another $87 million has been set aside to facilitate the cleaning of drains and gullies, before and after the hurricane season, and to mitigate hazardous conditions during the passage of a hurricane.
Also $51 million has also been dedicated to developing a viable system of Local Government Administration, which will provide citizens with greater opportunity to participate in the management of local affairs; provide local services and regulatory functions that are responsive to the needs of the citizens and satisfy local conditions.
Additionally, selected infirmaries are to be upgraded with an allocation of $20 million. The funds will see to the maintenance and rehabilitation of the infirmaries and the creation of a database to capture related information on the activities and overall operations of the institutions.
Another $7 million has been budgeted to repair road sections and undertake infrastructure works on the Riverton City Landfill. Parishes facing severe drought conditions are to get assistance from the Government, with the allocation of $3 million for the transportation of water to these parishes.

Last Updated: August 19, 2013

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