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PHOTOS: Edwin Allen High Gets New Classroom Block

October 12, 2022
PHOTOS: Edwin Allen High Gets New Classroom Block
Photo: Michael Sloley
Education and Youth Minister, Hon. Fayval Williams (left), cuts the ribbon to officially open a new classroom block at Edwin Allen High School in Frankfield, Clarendon, on October 7. Participating in the ceremony are Principal, Jermaine Harris (third left); Education Officer Region 7, Ministry of Education and Youth, Errol Haughton (right); along with several students. The project was managed and implemented by the National Education Trust (NET) under the Ministry of Education and Youth’s Primary and Secondary Infrastructure Project (PSIP).
PHOTOS: Edwin Allen High Gets New Classroom Block
Photo: Michael Sloley
Education and Youth Minister, Hon. Fayval Williams (right), engages with several Edwin Allen High School students, during the official opening of a new classroom block at the school located in Frankfield, Clarendon, on October 7.

The Full Story

Education and Youth Minister, Hon. Fayval Williams (left), applauds the cutting of ribbon to officially open a new classroom block at Edwin Allen High School in Clarendon on October 7. She is joined by Principal of the school, Jermaine Harris (third left); Education Officer Region 7, Ministry of Education and Youth, Errol Haughton (right); along with several students. The project was managed and implemented by the National Education Trust (NET) under the Ministry of Education and Youth’s Primary and Secondary Infrastructure Project (PSIP).
Last Updated: October 12, 2022

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