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3,000 Public Sector Managers and Supervisors to be Trained in HRM

January 7, 2009

The Full Story

Some 3,000 managers and supervisors from the public sector are to be trained in human resource management, in keeping with the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), signed with the trade unions for the period 2008-2010.
The programme, which was developed by the Management Institute for National Development (MIND), in conjunction with the Ministry of Finance and the Public Service, is to be launched on January 13, and will be delivered to 100 groups of 30 officers over a two-year period ending in June 2010.
Chief Executive Officer of MIND, Ruby Brown, explained at a JIS ‘Think Tank’ today (Jan. 6), that the programme comprised 11 modules, which are to be delivered over a two-week period, with a one-week break in between, “to allow the participants to go back to their respective ministries and departments to apply what they have learnt, assess the learning experience, and to make any necessary modification to the programme”.
The areas to be covered include: fundamentals of human resource management; recruitment and selection; discipline administration; people management; human relations and communications; industrial relations; compensational rewards management; and pension and welfare.
The facilitators of the programme are experienced and qualified professionals from the public sector, particularly the Ministry of Finance, Public Service Commission, and MIND.
“They will bring to the programme, their breadth and depth of practical experiences and methodologies that will infuse a combination of experiental, participatory, interactivity.and competency-based learning principals, an approach that we use in all of our programmes,” the MIND CEO emphasised.
The programme, which will be offered to public sector workers across the island, will be facilitated at various locations to ensure accessibility, including Kingston, Mandeville in Manchester and Montego Bay in St. James.
“It is our hope that this learning programme will be an excellent resource to support the professional development and the quality of performance of those who participate”, Ms. Brown said, noting that the result is for participants “to demonstrate competence in human resource management and lead to a more efficient and effective public sector”.
She also expressed the hope that the participants will take full advantage of every opportunity to continue their learning journey with the institute.

Last Updated: January 7, 2009

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