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2013/2014: Sectoral Debate: Minister of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, the Hon. Arnaldo Brown

By: , May 15, 2013
2013/2014: Sectoral Debate: Minister of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, the Hon. Arnaldo Brown
Minister of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, the Hon. Arnaldo Brown.

The Full Story

I am pleased to once again address this Honourable House. Last year, as I gave my maiden presentation, I committed to do my best for the government and people of Jamaica, recognizing that I stand here, privileged to serve my constituents, as a result of the trust placed in me by the good people of East Central, St Catherine.

It is also recognized, that I am privileged to serve my country, as a result of the confidence reposed in me by the Most Honourable Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller, on the occasion of her appointing me as Minister of State in the capacity in which I make this contribution.

[Watch the presentation LIVE]

The Honourable Member from North West Saint Catherine often says, “an attitude of gratitude is a beatitude” and today Mr. Speaker, I record my gratitude to my Cabinet Minister and Queen’s Counsel of silken quality from that other place, Senator the Honourable Arnold J. Nicholson QC, for his steady leadership of the Ministry and for allowing me the latitude as Minister of State to discharge the functions assigned to me.

I must commend the support given to me by the staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade (MFAFT). Their diligence and professionalism is admirable and a credit to the country and its national interests.

None of this would be possible without my Maker and my King to whom my all I bring. Nor would it be possible without the support of my family, my support staff, my three (3) Councillors and the army of workers and warriors of the national movement founded September 13, 1938, of which I am proud to be a member.

Constituency Stewardship

Sports: Vehicle for Development

I wish to begin my contribution, to the Sectoral Debate by addressing my stewardship of the constituency of East Central Saint Catherine under the period of review.

It is quite fitting and appropriate that recognition be given to the Naggo Head Primary School (whose Principal is here in the Gallery) on its stellar performance at the recently concluded Primary School Athletics Championship.

This is their fifth consecutive hold on the title. Pretty soon, East Central Saint Catherine will have its own Usain Bolt or Veronica Campbell-Brown dominating global track and field. I take this opportunity to publicly commend the teachers, coaches, administrative staff, student athletes and parents on this historic feat.

Consistent with my manifesto commitment to support sports as a vehicle for development, as Member of Parliament, I pledge to support the Naggo Head Sports programme for the upcoming academic year. I also commend the European Union for their assistance in this respect.

[Download 2013/2014: Sectoral Debate: Minister of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, the Hon. Arnaldo Brown]

I am pleased to advise that the process of upgrading sporting facilities in the Constituency has commenced in earnest. With the assistance of the Honourable Member from Central Westmoreland, our sports facilities have been upgraded through the Sugar Dependence Area Initiative, which comes under the purview of the Sugar Transformation Programme.

The Lime Tree Grove Sports Complex now has a hard court for netball and basketball. The football field has been rehabilitated and a chain link fence has been installed.

Additionally, a contract has been awarded for the construction of changing rooms, bleachers stands and a clubhouse. This represents a capital spend of $21,000,000.00 in the Constituency, providing employment and a positive outlet for young people when completed.

We have received an expression of interest from the Government and people of New Zealand to upgrade the Hamilton Gardens Field in Gregory Park into a Cricket Oval, valued at

US$25,000.00. They did two (2) similar projects in the parish of Manchester. I wish to thank them for their interest in East Central St. Catherine.

Consistent with my manifesto commitment to support sports as a vehicle for development, as Member of Parliament, I pledge to support the Naggo Head Sports programme for the upcoming academic year. I also commend the European Union for their assistance in this respect…READ MORE

[Download 2013/2014: Sectoral Debate: Minister of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, the Hon. Arnaldo Brown]

Last Updated: July 31, 2013

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