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$100,000 Treasure Hunt Added to Denbigh

July 15, 2005

The Full Story

Patrons attending the Denbigh Agricultural Show this year will be given the chance to participate in a treasure hunt, where they will search for clues at various sites at the venue, to win up to $100,000.
The treasure hunt is one of several exciting, new features being introduced as part of the event this year, as efforts are being made to diversify offerings for the show’s 53rd staging, explained Barrington Bucknor, Special Events Coordinator.
Significant changes, such as the introduction of a treasure hunt, a redesigned food court, and improvement in the layout of booths and attractions are being made this year to pique the interest of patrons, and also as a means of increasing the number of families, who attend the three-day event, Mr. Bucknor explained.
Speaking of the treasure hunt, he said it should be viewed as a “family-type activity” where persons will be able to walk the grounds, being led by clues from various points of interest located on the premises. Five envelopes would be hidden at different sections on the grounds, with each subsequent clue that is retrieved leading to another.
“Clues will be positioned in the form of letters in envelopes, which will be hidden in various booths or points of interest. We will scatter the envelopes throughout the grounds so as to create a purpose for persons to want to move around the grounds,” he pointed out.
He explained that the rationale behind spreading the clues about the grounds was to encourage patrons to view the scores of booths and amenities that would be located around the multi-acre site.
Mr. Bucknor told JIS News, that Denbigh organisers would start giving clues through promotions on the radio. “We intend to give the first set of clues three days before the start of the show so persons will have ideas long in advance where they will be wanting to start from,” he explained.
In terms of the prize money, he disclosed that the lucky patron stood to win up to $100,000. “We are starting at $50,000 in cash and value on day one; we go up to $75,000 on day two; and we peak at $100,000 in cash and value”, explaining that the money would increase each day until some wins.
Expressing the hope that the treasure hunt would become an annual fixture at Denbigh, Mr. Bucknor said, “we hope, from now on, it will bring more persons in on day one,” as well as the subsequent days.
The Denbigh Agricultural Show will be held from Saturday, July 30 to Monday, August 1 in May Pen, Clarendon. The theme for this year’s show is ‘Grow what we eat, and eat what we grow’.
The organisers are aiming to attract 100,000 patrons this year, up from the 75,000 last year.

Last Updated: July 15, 2005

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