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ZOSOs Extended For Further 60 Days

By: , April 14, 2021
ZOSOs Extended For Further 60 Days
Photo: Donald De La Haye
Deputy Prime Minister and National Security Minister, Hon. Dr. Horace Chang, speaking in the House of Representatives on Tuesday (April 13).

The Full Story

The Zones of Special Operations (ZOSOs) in Denham Town, West Kingston; Mount Salem, St. James; Greenwich Town and August Town in St. Andrew, have been extended for a further 60 days.

The House of Representatives on Tuesday (April 13) approved four Resolutions for the extensions, which were moved by Deputy Prime Minister and National Security Minister, Hon. Dr. Horace Chang.

He noted that the ZOSOs continue to provide a whole-of-government response to the social challenges facing the communities in which they operate.

“It is being strategically applied to reduce crimes while preserving life and respecting citizens’ rights wherever it is declared. In time, this principle will be applied across the island, to all similarly challenged communities,” he said.

Dr. Chang noted that the ZOSOs have proven to be instrumental in securing the right to life for all citizens, building confidence in legitimate state structures and re-establishing an overwhelming sense of citizenship instead of fear.

Meanwhile, the National Security Minister informed that as at April 13, the murder rate in Jamaica was 4.3 per cent ahead of the corresponding period in 2020.

So far for April, 20 per cent fewer murders have been reported than in April 2020.

“This downward tendency is welcome. I am mindful that it is a short timeframe and, therefore, would not consider it a trend, but it is the result of some very hard work and commendable investigations by our police officers,” Dr. Chang said.

He further reported that there has been a significant decline in serious crimes with a marginal increase in shooting incidents.

Rape is down by 47.5 per cent; robbery, 17.6 per cent; and break-ins, 27.3 per cent.

“Within the ZOSO communities there have been significant reductions in all incidents. From the inception, there has been a total of some 40 homicides, of which 36 took place in a single ZOSO, which we are now looking at and reviewing our strategy, both in terms of the socio-investment and how we operate the security zone. We expect we can take that community to the safe level as we have in the other communities,” Dr. Chang said.

Last Updated: April 14, 2021

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