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Youth Mentorship A Strategy For Social Intervention

By: , February 7, 2022
Youth Mentorship A Strategy For Social Intervention
Photo: Garfield Angus
Newly appointed Minister of State in the Ministry of National Security, Hon. Zavia Mayne, speaks during a recent visit to the Tower Street Adult Correctional Centre in Kingston.

The Full Story

Newly appointed Minister of State in the Ministry of National Security, Hon. Zavia Mayne, says he is giving priority focus to youth mentorship and updating of laws.

In a recent interview with JIS News, the State Minister said mentorship of young people is a major part of the strategy for “our social intervention”. The Jamaica Combined Cadet Force (JCCF) is already involved in the initiative, and work is ongoing to engage other partners.

“We have to explore to see areas of best fit, and I have an interest in looking at the Combined Cadet [Force] as a means of introducing, not just mentorship but a way of targeting and trying to save our boys from early, from we get them [in the school system]; we want to give them some exposure to leadership, discipline, grooming and social graces,” he said.

Further engagements will be done with the Ministry of Education and Youth for the mentorship aspect of the intervention, he said, but, importantly, he wants more volunteers to join in the campaign to get more young people into motivation schemes, for their development, and the security of the country.

“In our mission to create a better and safer society, there is space for them [volunteers], and we want to bring them on board, and we want to engage them, to make sure that all those who have something to contribute, are brought to the table, and are doing what they can,” he said.

Mr. Mayne has been assigned responsibility for the Department of Correctional Services (DCS), the JCCF, the Private Security Regulatory Authority (PSRA), and the Institute of Forensic Medicine.

The attorney at law, and second-term Member of Parliament for St. Ann South West, who previously served as Minister of State in the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, said he will also be looking at legislation to ensure that amendments are done timely, and that “they are effective, and they are put to use”. He noted that he will be providing “good support” to the portfolio Minister, Hon. Dr. Horace Chang.

Last Updated: February 7, 2022

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