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Young People Benefit from Miami Heat Book Donation and Basketball Clinic

August 1, 2006

The Full Story

Hundreds of young people from western Jamaica recently benefited from a basketball clinic hosted by reigning National Basketball Association (NBA) champions, Miami Heat.
The clinic, held at the Montego Bay Community College, was part of the team’s ‘Shoot for the Stars’ book and basketball outreach programme, which is aimed at teaching the fundamentals of the game to young people, while stressing the importance of reading in keeping with the NBA’s ‘Read to Achieve’ initiative.
During the one-day clinic, the team members presented participants with book packages, sporting gear and shirts, and later in the day, visited the children’s ward at the Cornwall Regional Hospital, where ailing children were also presented with books and gift packages.
Chief Executive Officer of the Miami Heat Charity Fund, Steve Stowe, told JIS News that through the book donation and basketball clinic, the aim was to focus the youth’s attention on the importance of education.
“Every year, the Miami Heat focuses on education because education really is the key to success. This is one of the habits that we want to instill in our children, to make sure that their intention is to always read and learn and also continue to grow as a person.
“Basketball has not only given us the opportunity and platform to impact on the youth, but we also have the opportunity to show them that through sports and through education, they can achieve their goals in life”, Mr. Stowe stated.
Miami Heat player, Wayne Simien, in handing out book packages and other gifts to the participating youth, also encouraged them to pay attention to their education.
“Even though we are here to have basketball training and the fun and excitement that goes with it, we just want to make certain that we stress the importance of education”, he said.

Last Updated: August 1, 2006

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