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Work to be Undertaken in Sandy Bay to Mitigate Flooding

March 23, 2007

The Full Story

A decision has been taken to undertake work on the Solas and Church Lane roads in Sandy Bay, Hanover, to prevent flooding in the area. This follows recent heavy rains, which caused flooding in the Sandy Bay area of the parish. Disaster Preparedness Co-ordinator in the Hanover Parish Council, Olga Headley told JIS News that following a tour of the area and an emergency meeting with the National Works Agency (NWA) Parish Manager, Phillip Clarke, the Hanover Parish Council Roads and Works Superintendent, Ivor Earl and other parish council officials, that decision was taken. Following the heavy rains, several persons in the Solas and Church Lane areas of Sandy Bay said they had suffered losses from flooding, and were seeking assistance from the local authorities.
Mrs. Headley told JIS News that no personal property was affected by the flooding.
“I had actually gone into a few places, and as I saw it, the houses were not actually flooded, but the water had reached up to a certain level. None of the houses I saw were flooded inside,” she said.
Mrs. Headley pointed out that no one had to be relocated and no material assistance was necessary.
She said that she would be making representation to the National Solid Waste Management Authority (NSWMA) for them to carry out a public education programme in the area, as a lot of the debris blocking the roadways was household garbage.
There is also a suggestion that a public education programme should be undertaken for the residents, on the proper disposal of waste. Mrs. Headley appealed to persons in the area to dispose of their garbage in receptacles provided in the area.

Last Updated: March 23, 2007

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