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Work Far Advanced on Alley Bridge in Clarendon

April 25, 2006

The Full Story

Restorative work is well underway on the Alley Bridge in South Clarendon, which is being implemented by the National Works Agency (NWA).
The bridge collapsed in late 2005 after being battered by flood waters from Hurricane Wilma. This proved very inconvenient for members of at least seven major communities and some adjoining districts in the southern part of the parish.
Many residents were cut off from the town of May Pen and other places, and had to use an alternative route, travelling an additional eight kilometres (five miles) to get to the town.
“The Alley Bridge is being rehabilitated at a cost of just under $30 million. We had intended to complete the work and re-open the bridge before the end of April, but we had some problems with cement.We hope to finish the work within the next four weeks, about mid-May,” Stephen Shaw, Manager of Communications and Customer Services at the NWA, told JIS News.
He said that in addition to restoring the bridge, river training was a major part of the project, which would help to protect the columns on which the bridge would be erected, and significantly reduce the risk of the bridge collapsing again.
Work commenced on the project in early November last year.

Last Updated: April 25, 2006

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