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William Shagoury Sworn In As New Custos of Clarendon

September 8, 2011

The Full Story

KINGSTON — Businessman and philanthropist, William Shagoury, was installed the new Custos Rotulorum for the parish of Clarendon, on September 7.

Governor-General, His Excellency the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen, presided over the ceremony, which was held at the Jamalco Sports Club, Halse Hall, in Clarendon.

In his message, Prime Minister, the Hon. Bruce Golding, said the appointment of Mr. Shagoury is an "excellent choice," whose appointment is "well deserved."

"I have every confidence that Custos Shagoury will add value to the rich tradition of exemplary service provided by Custodes, past and present," the Prime Minister said.

Read by Minister of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Senator Marlene Malahoo-Forte, the message said that Mr. Shagoury has had a long and accomplished record of service to the people of Clarendon, an unquestioned commitment to the development of the parish and upliftment of its people, adding that these attributes will play an integral role during his tenure as Custos.

He said that Mr. Shagoury assumes office at a time of significant changes to the status, role and functions of Custodes through the approval of legislation by Parliament, which formalises the legal framework governing their appointment, operation and performance.

Paying tribute to the outgoing Custos, Hon. James De Roux, Mr. Golding commended him for the outstanding service he has rendered during his tenure.

Meanwhile, the Governor-General urged Mr. Shagoury to use his office to influence the development of social capital, the sustenance of peace and the respect for law and order in Clarendon.

“I also urge you to mentor the young people of the parish, help them to identify their God given talent, so that they may use these for the collective good,” he said.

He noted that Mr. Shagoury will have responsibility for a mammoth geographical region, adding that each Justice of the Peace (JP) has an important role to play in supporting the peace and the prosperity of the parish.

In his response, the new Custos pledged to continue serving the people of Clarendon, noting that everyone has a role to play for the development of the parish.

"I will work with the Justices of the Peace in the parish to ensure that the needs of the people are adequately served. In so doing, I implore the Justices of the Peace to preserve the integrity of their offices," he said.

"You are leaders of your communities and you must ensure that you set a high example through your conduct, by your words and actions. Remember, you are appointed to uphold the law and to act within its confines and as such you must ensure that you are brokers of the peace and not breakers of the peace," Mr. Shagoury told JPs in attendance. He pointed out that the continued development of education in the parish will be a critical thrust throughout his tenure.

Mr. Shagoury was appointed Custos on August 1, following the retirement of the Hon. James De Roux, who served as Custos of the parish for 30 years.

As Custos, he will be the representative of the Governor-General in Clarendon. Among his responsibilities are serving as Chief Lay Magistrate for the parish, and ensuring that there are sufficient JPs/Lay Magistrates to serve the Petty Session Courts and communities throughout Clarendon.


By Chris Patterson, JIS Reporter

Last Updated: August 5, 2013

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