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Wigton workshop to offer updates on wind energy

January 31, 2011

The Full Story

Wigton Wind Farms Limited is inviting Jamaicans interested in wind energy technology to a workshop scheduled for their new training centre, Rose Hill, Manchester on Tuesday February 1.

General Manager, Earl Barrett, told JIS News that the workshop will bring participants up to date on wind power generation, wind turbines and establishing a utility type wind generation systems.

“We will look at wind data study, the right selection of equipment, how you lay out a wind farm, the installation, the erection and what is involved in the operation and maintenance,” he said. The workshop will also be looking at advanced tools and surveillance and diagnostic performances.

Mr. Barrett said that misconceptions in relation to wind energy need to be eliminated. He cautioned that high, sustainable wind, for example, is no guarantee for success, because the transmission lines could be too long.

“People have come to Jamaica saying that they want to put up 200 MW on John Crow Mountain. Maybe there is a high wind regime there, but there are no transmission lines in close proximity to it. Things like those we will try to get across to people, so we cut down on people saying, why don’t you put a wind farm out here, or why don’t you put a wind farm out there,” he noted.

Wigton Wind Farms Limited is a subsidiary of the Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica (PCJ), which falls under the Ministry of Energy and Mining     

Mr. Barrett explained that part of the setting up of the farm was the mandated to develop a cadre of trained experts, locally and for the Caribbean region. 

The workshop is being hosted in collaboration with Vestas Wind Systems Limited, one of the top three internationally ranked manufacturers of wind energy systems. Vestas is also the manufacturer and supplier of the wind turbines at the Wigton wind farm.



Last Updated: August 12, 2013

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