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Water Supply Systems to Be Improved

By: , February 15, 2018

The Key Point:

A total of $220 million will be spent by the Government on two programmes geared at expanding and improving the island’s water capacity infrastructure.

The Facts

  • This was disclosed by Governor-General, His Excellency the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen, during the 2018/19 Throne Speech in Parliament on February 15.
  • Turning to the irrigation systems, he said the $100 million will go towards the rehabilitation of irrigation systems to improve delivery of water to farms, geared at enhancing Jamaica’s agricultural productivity and food security.

The Full Story

A total of $220 million will be spent by the Government on two programmes geared at expanding and improving the island’s water capacity infrastructure.

The projects are the construction and maintenance of rural water systems, valued at $120 million; and the rehabilitation of irrigation systems, costing $100 million.

This was disclosed by Governor-General, His Excellency the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen, during the 2018/19 Throne Speech in Parliament on February 15.

He said the $120 million will be spent on the repair and upgrading of rural water systems, including catchment tank rehabilitation and rainwater harvesting.

Turning to the irrigation systems, he said the $100 million will go towards the rehabilitation of irrigation systems to improve delivery of water to farms, geared at enhancing Jamaica’s agricultural productivity and food security.

He said in the new fiscal year, the Administration will continue to implement several projects and programmes to expand capacity and infrastructure, protect revenue, regularise service and users, and protect water sources.

The Governor-General noted that the Government continues to work towards the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.

The Throne Speech was delivered under the theme ‘Continuing on the Path to Prosperity’.

Last Updated: October 4, 2019

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