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Vision 2030 Plan Incorporates Many Steps to Ensure Success – PIOJ Head

August 23, 2010

The Key Point:

Director General of the Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ), Dr. Gladstone Hutchinson says the Vision 2030 Jamaica National Development Plan incorporates many steps, to ensure that it is a viable option for the country.

The Facts

  • "It incorporates lessons learned from the errors of previous plans and all the best practices regionally and globally, and is flexible and responsive," the PIOJ Head pointed out.
  • "It also ensures that while we are working on a Jamaica that is the place of choice, our transformation of the society is achieved through a holistic, coherent, integrated and sustainable model of development, which recognises the interdependencies of the various facets of national life - economic, social, environmental and governance," he added.

The Full Story

Director General of the Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ), Dr. Gladstone Hutchinson says the Vision 2030 Jamaica National Development Plan incorporates many steps, to ensure that it is a viable option for the country.

“It incorporates lessons learned from the errors of previous plans and all the best practices regionally and globally, and is flexible and responsive,” the PIOJ Head pointed out.

“It also ensures that while we are working on a Jamaica that is the place of choice, our transformation of the society is achieved through a holistic, coherent, integrated and sustainable model of development, which recognises the interdependencies of the various facets of national life – economic, social, environmental and governance,” he added.

Director General of the Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ), Dr. Gladstone Hutchinson (right), exchanging pleasantries with (from left): Programme Manager in the Plan Development Unit at the PIOJ, Richard Lumsden; Manager at the Management Institute for National Development, (MIND), Mr. John Tracey; and Chief Executive Officer of MIND, Ruby Brown. Occasion was MIND’s 17th annual public lecture, held at its Old Hope Road campus, on August 19.

Dr. Hutchinson was speaking at the 17th annual public lecture hosted by the Management Institute for National Development (MIND), at its old Hope Road campus, in Kingston, on August 19.

Topic of the lecture was : Vision 2030 National Development Plan ‘Pipe Dream or Vision’.

Vision 2030 Jamaica is the country’s first long-term national development plan, which aims at enabling Jamaica to achieve developed country status by 2030. It is based on a comprehensive vision: “Jamaica, the place of choice to live, work, raise families and do business.”

The Director General emphasised that Jamaica and Jamaicans have no choice but to aggressively and credibly pursue Vision 2030, as it is not only the best way forward for achieving the people’s aspirations, it is the only way. “There is no other way that makes sense if we intend to break the downward cycle that we have endured for too long,” he asserted.

He explained that Vision 2030 Jamaica identifies the strategies for realising specific goals, and has been accepted by Jamaica’s international development partners.

“As a country, we have matured to the point where discussions about our aspirations and progress are no longer locked in political or economic ideology. It’s about political accountability, good governance, public sector responsiveness and efficiency, democratic inclusiveness, and the government creating an enabling environment that fosters private sector-led broad-based economic entrepreneurial development,” Dr. Hutchinson argued.

Last Updated: February 11, 2020

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