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UWI and Wigton to Offer Certificate Courses in Alternative Energy

July 8, 2011

The Full Story

As part of its overall programme to facilitate training and development opportunities in alternative energy, the University of the West Indies (UWI) in collaboration with the Wigton Windfarm, the Scientific Research Council and Alternative Power Sources will offer a summer course in alternative energy.

The course will be offered in three one-week modules from July 11-29, 2011 with the first two hosted at the UWI’s Department of Physics and the last module at the Wigton Windfarm Resource Centre in Manchester.

Each module will have theory and practical sessions including field trips and will focus on specific energy sources and their application. Module 1 will focus on ‘Solar and Wind Energy: Basic Systems’, Module 2 on ‘Other Energy Sources and Alternative Energy Issues’ and Module 3 on ‘Large-scale Wind and Solar: Design Installation, Operation and Maintenance’.

Participants will receive information on Energy Efficiency, Management and Audits as well as guidance from industry experts showcasing various applications of alternative energy. The sessions will be held Mondays to Fridays between the hours of 9:00 am and 4:00 pm.

Who can participate?

The first two modules are aimed at a general audience for persons wanting to gain basic knowledge in alternative energy. All candidates should have attained passes in at least three CXC subjects including Mathematics and English. Module three is aimed at industry practitioners with prior knowledge in energy generation. Candidates wishing to do this module are required to have at least a diploma in a natural science subject, or in business management.

Interested persons can contact the UWI’s Department of Physics at 927 – 2480.

Last Updated: August 8, 2013

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