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US-Based Company to Test Solar Technology in Jamaica

October 8, 2011

The Full Story

KINGSTON — The Department of Local Government, on October 7 signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with United States-based Green RG Management LLC (Green RG) for the company to test its solar technology in Jamaica.

The tests, which will be carried out at certain local government facilities, and other public entities, are to determine the feasibility and suitability of the technology to the Jamaican environment, and examine prospects that such innovationS could present.

The move is in support of the Government’s focus on increasing the use of alternative, affordable energy sources, as articulated in the National Energy Policy 2009-2030 and First Action Plan 2009-2012.

Minister of State with responsibility for Local Government, Hon. Shahine Robinson, speaking at the signing ceremony at her Hagley Park Road offices, informed that the project, which is at no cost to the government, will see also GreenRG providing solar energy solutions to schools, infirmaries and government businesses on a pilot basis.

Already, energy efficient streetlights have been installed in the car park of the Local Government Department.

Minister of Agriculture, Hon. Robert Montague, who previously held the local government portfolio, informed that GreenRG has committed to retrofitting the Department’s building one with LED lights, solar equipment, and tints on the window, to reduce the light bill to the building by a minimum of 20 per cent. 

“The company has established an account …and they have placed in that account the money equivalent to three months light bill for that building,” he said.

Managing Partner, GreenRG, Alfred Heyer, informed that most of the ground work has already been done and the areas that need improvement have been identified within the Department.

“We will actually be retrofitting some solar, LED lighting technology to actually try to pull them off the grid considerably. We will also be working on some streetlight programmes and other programmes that will actually reduce the Government’s energy demand,” he said.

GreenRG is an energy management company, which has created and owns proprietary and patented technology, including protocols, products and solutions, for an energy saving system.

The company made an unsolicited offer to the Government of Jamaica, through the Ministry of Energy and Mining, to test new solar technology for streetlights, buildings, water pumps and other infrastructure, at no cost to the Government of Jamaica. 

Under the MoU, GreenRG will be required to effect and provide reports of audits of the piloted energy technological systems every six months to the Government.  The company will also be required to register the patents for its technology in Jamaica and share its carbon credits with the Government of Jamaica.


By Chris Patterson, JIS Reporter

Last Updated: August 5, 2013

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