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Trophies and Cash for ‘City With a Heart’ Poster Competition Winners

September 21, 2005

The Full Story

Winners in the Trelawny Association of Volunteer Organisation’s (TAVO), ‘City with a Heart’ poster competition will be presented with their awards on Monday, September 26, at a function slated for the William Knibb Memorial High School in Falmouth.
“All of the schools that participated in the competition will be presented with certificates, while the top three participants will receive cash awards and trophies,” informed TAVO chairman, Carlton Gordon. The ceremony will begin at 9:00 a.m. and residents of Trelawny are being encouraged to attend.
The competition was launched in June through sponsorship from the Jamaica National Building Society (JNBS) and students from high, junior high and primary schools were invited to design a logo that would appropriately depict the concept, ‘City With a Heart,’ for which Falmouth has been designated.
Initiated by the United Nations Volunteer Programme in partnership with UN-Habitat and the Inter-American Development Bank’s Initiative on Social Capital, Ethics and Development, the ‘City with a Heart’ award is designed to recognise cities around the world, for their outstanding achievements in engaging residents through voluntary action in development projects, especially to meet the Millennium Development Goals.In addition to Falmouth, the cities of Natal, Brazil; Bogota, Colombia; Esmeraldas, Ecuador; and Tegucigalpa, Honduras, became the first recipients of the award on International Volunteer Day, December 5, 2004.
“Falmouth is proud to be one of five cities in the world that bears the title, ‘City With a Heart’ and TAVO’s aim is to erect billboards at the entrances of the town to showcase this great achievement,” Mr. Gordon told JIS News. TAVO is the umbrella organization for volunteer groups in Trelawny.

Last Updated: September 21, 2005

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