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Triplets Ace Primary Exit Profile Exams

By: , August 27, 2021
Triplets Ace Primary Exit Profile Exams
Photo: Contributed
Minister of State in the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, Zavia Mayne (second right, back row), and Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries and Southwest St. Elizabeth member of Parliament, Hon. Floyd Green (second left, back row) with 12-year-old triplets (from left, front row) Dennis, Tamoya, and Denrique Barrett, who recently aced the Primary Exit Profile exams at the Mountainside Primary School in St. Elizabeth. The children display tablets that were presented to them by Mr. Mayne. Sharing the occasion (from left) are Programme of Advancement Through Health and Education (PATH) Social Worker, Lorrie-Ann Love Thompson; the children’s mother, Tamara Barret; and the children’s Grade-six Teacher, Phylicia Ebanks.

The Full Story

Twelve-year-old triplets, Dennis, Denrique, and Tomoya Barrett have been rewarded with Alcatel tablet computers and a $50,000 education grant to assist with back-to-school supplies, for performing outstandingly during the 2021 Primary Exit Profile (PEP) exams.

The presentations were made recently by State Minister in the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, Hon. Zavia Mayne.

The two brothers and their sister aced the PEP exams at their former school, Mountainside Primary in St. Elizabeth.

Dennis, who was the school’s top-performing candidate, and Denrique were placed at Munro College, while Tomoya will attend Hampton High School.

Mr. Mayne commended the youngsters on their performance, and committed further support through the Programme of Advancement Through Health and Education (PATH).

The children’s mother, Tamara Barrett, said she was elated and grateful for the assistance.

Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries and Member of Parliament for Southwest St. Elizabeth where the family resides, Hon. Floyd Green, who was present at the handover, commended the Barrett family for their resilience.

He noted that despite the challenging circumstances they experienced, they continued to work hard, noting that this resulted in the children doing exceptionally well in the exams.

Mr. Green also commended the children’s teacher and social workers who have been working with them, pointing out that “it is great when parents, teachers and [children] can work together”.

Last Updated: August 27, 2021

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