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Trench Town to Take Centre Stage from November 14 to 17

By: , June 17, 2013

The Key Point:

The innovative and creative talents of residents of Trench Town and other communities throughout the island, will be showcased at the inaugural Trench Town Trade and Investment Fair set for November 14-17.

The Facts

  • The event, conceptualised and organised by the Agency for Inner-City Renewal (AIR), is expected to create meaningful opportunities for residents, while highlighting prospects for partnerships among Government and non-government entities, and the private sector.
  • It will be held at the Trench Town Community Centre under the theme: ‘Rebirth of a City: Transforming Zones of Exclusion into Zones of Investment and Opportunity.’

The Full Story

The innovative and creative talents of residents of Trench Town and other communities throughout the island, will be showcased at the inaugural Trench Town Trade and Investment Fair set for November 14-17.

The event, conceptualised and organised by the Agency for Inner-City Renewal (AIR), is expected to create meaningful opportunities for residents, while highlighting prospects for partnerships among Government and non-government entities, and the private sector.

It will be held at the Trench Town Community Centre under the theme: ‘Rebirth of a City: Transforming Zones of Exclusion into Zones of Investment and Opportunity.’

At the press launch held on Thursday, June 13, at the Spanish Court Hotel in New Kingston, AIR Chairman, Dr. Henley Morgan, said that while the event is being held in Trench Town, it is expected to attract micro entrepreneurs from communities in and outside of Kingston.

“This will be their time, their stage, to present what they do,” he informed.

Special features of the fair will include a conference, workshops, music and cultural tents, children’s village, flea market, concerts, a farmers’ market, among other activities.

Dr. Morgan said it will have the same “seriousness” of any other major national exposition, which is to “make a deal, make connections, network, and do business”, except that “this is going to be taking place in a community setting”.

He stated that the fair is intended to serve as a catalyst in bringing informal and marginalised communities into the mainstream of economic and social life, by creating investments and opportunities that will empower individuals and their communities, socially and economically.

This, he said, is in keeping with the objectives of the national development plan; Vision 2030 Jamaica, which aims to make Jamaica the place of choice to live, work, and do business.

The fair has gained the attention and firm support of former Prime Minister, the Most Hon. P.J. Patterson, who is patron of the event.

In an address read by former CARICOM Assistant Secretary General, Ambassador Byron Blake, Mr. Patterson encouraged private sector entities to participate in the event.

He stressed that there is a dire need for citizens, who live in marginalised communities islandwide, to build meaningful business partnerships with the private sector.

“We must all work together to help solve complex social, cultural, and economic challenges confronting communities throughout Jamaica,” he stated.

The event targets local and foreign investors, as well as the Diaspora; non-governmental organisations; the public and private sector; churches and civil society leaders; academicians and students; volunteers; the diplomatic and consular corps; and residents of Trench Town and surrounding communities.

Last Updated: February 21, 2020

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