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Training Workshops in Preparation for New Kingston Earthquake Drill

April 27, 2006

The Full Story

As part of intensive preparations for the upcoming New Kingston Earthquake Drill on June 7, Jamaica Property Company has commenced training workshops for Safety Wardens in the New Kingston community.
The first in a series of collaborative workshops with officials from the Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management (ODPEM), was held on April 25 at the Penthouse Suite in the Tourism Centre in New Kingston.
Speaking to JIS News, Operations Manager at Jamaica Property Company, Gary Francis, said that the first training session sought to sensitise Safety Wardens about their roles and responsibilities during the drill.
He further pointed out that the workshop was specifically geared towards Safety Wardens, who are part of companies in buildings managed by the organisation.
“These persons are critical, because they ensure that the drill is successful”, Mr. Francis informed.
He said that the second training session would be held soon and that, subsequent workshops would seek to incorporate other stakeholders to achieve “as close to full participation as possible in the event”.In January of this year during Earthquake Awareness Week, Director General for ODPEM, Dr. Barbara Carby, appealed to the business community to begin practising earthquake drills as part of preparations in the event of an earthquake.
She also singled out business entities in New Kingston to establish the appropriate structures and commence drills at least once before the June 7 event.The drill will coincide with the anniversary of the June 7, 1692 earthquake that destroyed Port Royal, which was dubbed the “wickedest city in the world”, and killed more than 2,000 residents.

Last Updated: April 27, 2006

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