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TEF Summer Internship Programme Preparing Youth for Work

By: , May 9, 2014

The Key Point:

Three hundred students are to this year participate in the Tourism Enhancement Fund’s (TEF) Summer Internship Programme.
TEF Summer Internship Programme Preparing Youth for Work
Executive Director of the Tourism Enhancement Fund (TEF), Clyde Harrison, highlights projects and programmes being financed by the entity, at a JIS ‘Think Tank’.

The Facts

  • Executive Director at the TEF, Clyde Harrison said the internship programme targets secondary to tertiary level students from 16 years old, to those pursuing Masters degrees.
  • The participants are placed in various organisations for eight weeks, during which they are paid a stipend.

The Full Story

Three hundred students are to this year participate in the Tourism Enhancement Fund’s (TEF) Summer Internship Programme, which is geared at introducing participants to the world of work, and assisting them with professional experience.

Speaking with JIS News, Executive Director at the TEF, Clyde Harrison said the internship programme targets secondary to tertiary level students from 16 years old, to those pursuing Masters degrees.

“It is usually a first come first served basis and these students are placed with organisations that partner with us…so we send them out in the workplace (to) jobs that match or reflect their ambitions,” Mr. Harrison explained.

The participants are placed in various organisations for eight weeks, during which they are paid a stipend. The TEF provides payments for six weeks, and the employer for the remainder of the internship.

“If they (the students) are over 18, then their statutory deductions will be made and this we believe is good because it prepares them for the formal system…. it is more than just summer work to give them money, but also to give them the opportunity to understand and become familiar with the workforce,” the Executive Director pointed out.

He added that at the end of the programme, all the participants are evaluated, with the top performers receiving gifts and special recognition.

Applications are closed for this summer, but persons who are interested in the programme may email: tefsummerinternship@gmail.com for further details.

Last Updated: May 9, 2014

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