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Take Precautions Against The Flu

By: , December 24, 2015

The Key Point:

The Ministry of Health is urging members of the public to take precautions as the country experiences the traditional influenza (flu) season.
Take Precautions Against The Flu
Photo: Donald Delahaye
Director of Health Promotion and Protection in the Ministry of Health, Dr. Sonia Copeland.

The Facts

  • Director of Health Promotion and Protection in the Ministry of Health, Dr. Sonia Copeland, said children, the elderly, pregnant women and persons with chronic illnesses should be extra vigilant.
  • Dr. Copeland, who was speaking in an interview with JIS News, outlined the three preventative steps to be employed by the public which are to: cover, clean and control.

The Full Story

The Ministry of Health is urging members of the public to take precautions as the country experiences the traditional influenza (flu) season.

Director of Health Promotion and Protection in the Ministry of Health, Dr. Sonia Copeland, said children, the elderly, pregnant women and persons with chronic illnesses should be extra vigilant.

Dr. Copeland, who was speaking in an interview with JIS News, outlined the three preventative steps to be employed by the public which are to: cover, clean and control.

She is advising that persons cover their mouth when coughing or sneezing. “The quickest thing you can do if you feel a sneeze coming on and you have flu-like symptoms is to cough or sneeze in your elbow. Some persons will raise their shirts or dresses and sneeze in them and that is also good.  Persons should do this because with every sneeze and cough, millions of airborne flu viruses go out into the environment,” she noted.

Cleaning involves frequent washing of hands with soap and water, while persons can control the spread of the virus by staying home when they are sick.

“If you are having flu-like symptoms, we recommend that you stay home until you are feeling better because once you go out and begin touching common surfaces that flu virus is going to spread rapidly,” she noted.

Eating fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C, drinking up to eight glasses of water daily, keeping physically active and getting adequate rest are also advised to boost the immune system.

Last Updated: December 24, 2015

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