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Support Jamaican Artists – Wayne Chen

November 2, 2010

The Full Story

Chairman of the National Gallery of Jamaica, Wayne Chen, is appealing to Jamaicans to support the genius of local artists by viewing and purchasing their work.
“The talent is all around us, the question is how to .get a wider community to appreciate that we have talented and creative people, who need to make a living from their talent and creativity,” Mr. Chen stated.
He was giving the keynote address at the launch of the 19th annual Mandeville Art Fair on Thursday (October 28) the St. Bosco Catering Hall in Mandeville.
“My mission, for a long time, has been to urge my peers to buy Jamaican art. When you think of buying something special, a gift for your family or friends, buy a piece of Jamaican art. Not only is it a lifelong thing to hold as treasure, it is also supporting your Jamaican artists,” Mr. Chen said.
Organiser of the Mandeville Art Fair, Sister Suzan Fraser, said that the annual event has raised much needed funds to address the needs of the less fortunate. “Our young children have schools to attend, our orphans have a place to call home, the sick and indigent receive much needed care, and young adults are taught skills, which give them hope for a future,” she informed.
The Mandeville Art Fair, staged by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Mandeville, supports charities in communities throughout the parish of Manchester.
It exposes the works of established Jamaican masters as well as young and exciting emerging talents.
This year’s show will be held over three days from November 12 to 14, at the Mount St. Joseph’s School Hall in Mandeville. Patrons will be able to view the art from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on the opening day (Nov.12) and all day on the other two days.

Last Updated: August 13, 2013

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