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Support For New Projects To Be Implemented Under PIMS

By: , February 20, 2020

The Key Point:

Approximately $3.5 billion is earmarked to provide contingency funding support for new projects approved for implementation under the Public Investment Management System (PIMS), during the upcoming fiscal year.

The Facts

  • The provision is contained in the 2020/21 Estimates of Expenditure, which will be deliberated on by the Standing Finance Committee of the House on March 2 and 3.
  • The engagement, which is being executed by the Ministry of Finance and the Public Service, is designed to support approved projects undergoing the appraisal process that are awaiting budgeting.

The Full Story

Approximately $3.5 billion is earmarked to provide contingency funding support for new projects approved for implementation under the Public Investment Management System (PIMS), during the upcoming fiscal year.

The provision is contained in the 2020/21 Estimates of Expenditure, which will be deliberated on by the Standing Finance Committee of the House on March 2 and 3.

The engagement, which is being executed by the Ministry of Finance and the Public Service, is designed to support approved projects undergoing the appraisal process that are awaiting budgeting.

The Government of Jamaica-funded project, which commenced in April 2017, is slated to run until March 2022.

Approximately $9.61 billion is budgeted to continue the undertaking during the 2021/22 fiscal year.

Last Updated: February 20, 2020

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