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Summit Police Station Reopens

November 15, 2004

The Full Story

The Summit Police Station, located on Delisser Drive in Montego Bay, is back in operation following the completion of a $10 million upgrading project at the facility.
The station had fallen into disrepair and was left unoccupied for a number of years but the increase in the crime rate in St. James and the need to allocate more law enforcement officers to the parish, forced the government to upgrade the station to accommodate them.
Members of the Special Anti Crime Task Force who are stationed in Montego Bay are being housed at the newly refurbished facility.
On a recent tour of the station, Minister of National Security, Dr. Peter Phillips, told journalists that the facility would be commissioned into service before the end of this year, and will have a station desk for citizens to relate to the police personnel stationed there.
“It is going to be used to provide accommodation for some of the additional units that we are moving into western Jamaica, Montego Bay specifically, to enhance police operations down here,” he informed.
He noted that in the first instance, “it will be a place for the Special Anti Crime Unit to use, or elements from that unit, and we also want to ensure that it is not just a barracks room but that it really provides appropriate facilities for rest, recreation and recovery for people who are doing very hazardous, strenuous and stressful duties.”
In addition, the Minister said, adequate recreational facilities would be provided to help the police personnel, who have worked long hours and under dangerous situations, to be able to recoup and unwind.

Last Updated: November 15, 2004

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