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Sugar-based industry plan by year-end- ethanol production targeted

October 18, 2005

The Full Story

Prime Minister Patterson has instructed the PIOJ to work with the sugar industry to formulate a country strategy and plan of action for developing a sugar cane based industry that will include the production of ethanol. The plan is to be ready for submission to the European Union by December 2005.
The Prime Minister said that the plan would provide some indication as to the areas that would require the assistance of the EU in light of impending changes to the Sugar Protocol.
He was speaking at a meeting of the Sugar Industry Sub-Committee held at Jamaica House this morning, (Tuesday October 18, 2005).
A five-member committee, headed by the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Commerce and Technology, Dr. Jean Dixon, will examine pertinent issues relating to the introduction of ethanol to the sugar industry, including areas where sugar will be grown, and formulate a report for the Prime Minister within a week.
Mr. Patterson also said that careful consideration must be given to how the stakeholders will be engaged in the process of developing a sugar-based industry that is diversified and viable. Next week Tuesday, the Prime Minister will make a statement to Parliament on the way forward for sugar.
Following the Prime Minister’s statement, the Hon. Roger Clarke, Minister of Agriculture will engage in stakeholder meetings to get their views, which will be included in the country strategy and plan of action.

Last Updated: October 18, 2005

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