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Students Show Interest in Compete Jamaica Project

June 19, 2009

The Full Story

High school students have taken a keen interest in competitiveness and its importance in creating thriving businesses in Jamaica.
The effort has paid off for students of three high schools who emerged winners, from a pool of 33 entrants, in the Compete Jamaica poster competition, launched by the Target Growth Competitiveness Committee (TGCC) last year.
Javarie Hanlan of Morant Bay High copped first prize, while second place went to Sean Michael Saulter of Cornwall College. A trio from Tarrant High – Taneka Phipps, Nickeisha Allen and Davion Kerr – was awarded third place.
The winners were recognised at the launch of Compete Jamaica, at the Jamaica Trade and Invest (JTI), Trafalgar Road, Kingston, Thursday June 18.
As the Government seeks the society’s input in building micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, the competition was part of several components of the Compete Jamaica initiative, and was aimed at allowing students to express their view of what competitiveness means.
“Competitiveness is a very central part of surviving and prospering in this global environment, so what the public sector, the EU (European Union), the Government and the Target Growth Competitiveness Committee really focus on, is creating an enabling environment; making sure of all the factors that would make Jamaica a competitive environment,” President of the JTI, Robert Gregory, said.
He added that this environment should be conducive to starting and growing a business and making it globally competitive.
TGCC is seeking to accelerate growth by facilitating collaboration between the private sector, Government and trade unions, to make the country more investment friendly and to encourage the growth of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). The committee is one of 12 support components of the European Union/ Government of Jamaica funded Private Sector Development Programme (PSDP).

Last Updated: August 26, 2013

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