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St. Mary celebrations to focus on communities

July 20, 2011

The Full Story

PORT ANTONIO — A number of events have been planned by the St. Mary Cultural Committee, as part of this year’s Emancipation/Independence celebrations in the parish.

The events which will be held under the theme, “The Journey Continues”, include Emancipation/Independence church services, a Parish Emancipation Vigil, stage shows and street dances, the annual Independence Day Civic Ceremony and an Independence Day gala.

Speaking to the Jamaica Information Service (JIS), Cultural Organizer for St. Mary, Denise Morrison, said the church service will be held at the Emanuel Baptist Church, Port Maria, on Sunday, July 31, starting at 10 a.m., and the Vigil will be held the same day at the Anglican Church Hall in Port Maria, starting at 9 p.m.

She said the stage shows and street dances will be held between Monday, August 1 and Saturday, August 6, in Gayle, Richmond, Oracabessa, Highgate and Port Maria, starting at 8 p.m. at the Supermarket Car Park in Port Maria and the town squares of the other communities.

She said that the events have been scheduled for communities, in order to involve as many people as possible. A special feature of the Emancipation Vigil will be the dramatization of different aspects of slavery, including the events leading up to the abolition of the system.

She said that the St. Mary Cultural Committee was anticipating the full support and participation of the parish in the activities, and expressed confidence that the expectations will be realised, because of the importance residents attach to their history and their role in the attainment of freedom and independence.



Last Updated: August 8, 2013

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