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St. James Honors Eight Outstanding Citizens

October 18, 2012

The Full Story

Eight citizens of St. James were honoured for their contributions to the parish’s development, during Monday’s (October 15) National Heroes Day Salute Civic and Awards Ceremony, in Sam Sharpe Square, Montego Bay.

The honourees recognized were: Pauline Downer, Clinton Chin and Gloria Meredith – community service; Paul Reid – Journalism; Cleopatra Eubanks – Sports; Mavis Holt – Education; Ian and Tameka Williams – Tourism, each of whom was presented with the Sam Sharpe Award.

The ceremony, which featured the customary pomp and pageantry, got underway with some 60 members from uniformed groups forming a Guard of Honour, which gave the Salute to Pastor Charles Brevitt, who represented Custos Rotulorum, Hon. Ewen Corrodus.

The proceedings, which were officiated by Montego Bay Mayor, Councillor Glendon Harris, also featured the reading of Heritage Week messages from Governor-General, His Excellency, the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen; Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Portia Simpson Miller; Opposition Leader, Andrew Holness.

In delivering brief remarks, Councillor Harris noted that, Jamaica had achieved much as an independent nation, while citing that there was much more to accomplish. He, however, lamented the spate of illicit activities that have been occurring across the society, particularly in St. James.

“The small percentage (of persons who) are perpetrators of crime are our enemies and must be stopped.  As Mayor, I appeal to all to join forces and stand up…against the abuse of our most vulnerable,” he asserted.

Following the presentation of awards to the parish honourees, Councillor Harris led the reading of special citations and laying of floral tributes, honouring the memory of the country’s six National Heroes and sole Heroine.

Last Updated: July 26, 2013

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