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St. Jago High Wins Quiz Competition

November 16, 2004

The Full Story

St. Jago High School in St. Catherine emerged winner of the 2004 St. Catherine Co-operative Credit Union Limited Knockout Quiz competition, held recently in Spanish Town.
Team members, Naudia Patterson, David Brown, Bobby Morgan, Dwayne Morrison, Ralston McKenzie and Juedeen Chambers defeated students from Bridgeport High by 62 to 17 points.
Other schools participating in the event were McGrath, Tacius Golding and Innswood High Schools. Questions posed centred around the Co-operative Movement, Banking, Trade Unions and Consumer Affairs.
St. Jago High will represent the parish Credit Union at the National Co-operative finals scheduled to take place on Thursday, November 18 at the Jamaica Conference Centre, downtown Kingston.
Director of the St. Catherine Co-operative Credit Union, Hugh Blackwood told JIS News that the main objective of the competition was to sensitise participants about the Co-operative Movement, its philosophy, history and principles as well as to assist in the development of young people by getting them involved in educational activities.
He said that the students participating in the event had become familiar with the Credit Union and how it could assist them in developing their education and economic base.
Mr. Blackwood said the competition was being held with the hope that the students “will see the need to become a part of an institution that they can benefit from”.
The Director, who is also Chairman of the Education Committee, noted that a pilot programme called the ‘Youth Education Savings Scheme’, was recently launched by the Co-operative, aimed at encouraging savings among basic, primary and high school students.
He emphasised that young people needed to take responsibility for their education and should not depend on Government for everything. “So, we are getting them in the mode for early savings,” Mr. Blackwood said.

Last Updated: November 16, 2004

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