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SRC on Re-Branding Campaign

October 5, 2012

The Full Story

The Scientific Research Council (SRC) is on a campaign to re-brand the agency, as it transitions into a premier institution for scientific and technological research.

Speaking at a JIS 'Think Tank' on October 2, Chairman of the SRC,  Melisa McHargh,  explained  that for the past six months a concerted effort had been made to re-brand, and bring to market the various formulations developed at the SRC. 

She pointed out that the SRC is moving to increase its visibility, especially in the areas of scientific and technological research and the local take-up of these initiatives.

Mrs. McHargh said that significant investment has been made by the SRC in developing new and innovative techniques for business and for enterprise, “but we need to implement them."

She noted that the SRC is currently sharpening its focus in several high impact areas. "We are focused on moving from waste to energy; and we are focused on conservation, on agricultural produce, in terms of generic research and tissue culture," the Chairman said.

Mrs. McNargh  said that in addition to that focus, efforts will also be made to ensure that encouragement is given to the micro and small business sector, despite the fact that the agency, like so many, is affected by the global constraint in resources.

"What we want to do is to create a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship. It's the people on the ground who have to run with some of the ideas. Yes, big business is involved and do use our analytical services, but it is often someone like the juice man who wants to do the ginger lemongrass juice, and who doesn't know how to develop a formula or put it to specs that will pass the food standards, who will seek our services, and  we are here to assist that process," she noted. 

Mrs. McHargh stressed that the SRC’s Board is committed to giving the organisation the necessary support to make it the premier institution for scientific and technological research that it was meant to be, and make Jamaica sustainable in science, in food safety and in food sustainability.

She is encouraging young entrepreneurs, established entrepreneurs, big businesses and even curious citizens with an idea, to visit the SRC, as there may be something there that they could collaborate on.

Last Updated: July 26, 2013

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