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Squatter Management will not Replace Operation Pride – Clarke

April 19, 2007

The Full Story

Minister of Agriculture and Lands, Roger Clarke, has said that the Squatter Management Unit was not established to take over the work of Operation Pride nor is a “universal policeman”.
“Our emphasis has been on co-ordination, containment and prevention through public education and monitoring. The unit does not absolve landowners, public or private, from securing their properties,” said Mr. Clarke during his contribution to the 2007/08 Budget debate yesterday (April 18) in the House of Representatives. The Squatter Management Unit was launched last June with the challenge of developing strategies/policies to arrest the proliferation of illegal settlements island-wide.
Since its establishment, the unit has been able to create a sustained public education programme featuring printed materials, radio and television; a toll free hotline has been set up with wide usage by the public; and there has been advanced work on the regularisation of at least three squatter settlements.
Other achievements include the provision of advice to a number of private land owners and government entities on squatter management issues; 10 eviction exercises conducted on crown lands with another nine to be undertaken shortly, and the unit is executing work on a comprehensive squatter management policy after securing funding from the World Bank.

Last Updated: April 19, 2007

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