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Spring Garden Basic School to be renovated on Labour Day

May 19, 2011

The Full Story

KINGSTON — Residents of St. Thomas will be renovating the Spring Garden Basic School as the parish project for Labour Day,  Monday, May 23, being observed under the theme: ‘It takes a village to raise a child’.

The work will include the re-roofing of the building and the construction of a kitchen, as outlined by the St. Thomas Labour Day Planning Committee, in collaboration with the Social Development Commission (SDC) and members of government agencies and civic society.

Mayor of Morant Bay, Hanif Brown, told JIS News that at least 45 children will benefit from the  completion of the kitchen, to be used in a school feeding programme.

He said teachers, parents and members of the Spring Garden community have been “energised” since the announcement of plans to repair the structure. According to the Mayor, some parents had removed their children from the school due to the poor state of the building.

“The Principal had been in contact with me to try to secure some funds for the school,” he added. Currently, the school has a population of some 30 students.

Mayor Brown said the Committee will be seeking funds from persons and business entities within the parish.

“We have sent out letters to the business community, trying to garner some resources to assist the other projects throughout the parish,” he said, noting that the National Labour Day Secretariat, which falls under the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture, had been contacted to secure additional funds as well as materials for the parish project.

Another major venture on Labour Day will be the beautification of the Morant Bay round-about. Mayor Brown said this project will be spearheaded by members of the St. Thomas Parish Council.

“We will not be able to complete all the work that is planned, but it will be good to see the Council members and staff at work demonstrating our own commitment to the process of participatory governance and community involvement,” he added.


By E. HARTMAN RECKORD, JIS Information OffIcer

Last Updated: August 8, 2013

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