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Fellow Jamaicans,On the eve of the Christmas Holiday, families and visitors alike are engaged in a variety of activities to enjoy what the country has to offer. It is a time when we all look forward to exchanging gifts, enjoying cultural presentations and visiting friends and family.
As Minister of National Security I have had discussions with the Police High Commission, and the Commissioner of Police has outlined a number of measures that have been instituted to make this festive season safe and enjoyable for all Jamaicans.
The Police will be out in their numbers this season and will establish a strategic presence in shopping districts and communities across the island.
However, in addition to the efforts of the security forces, all of us as individuals must play our part to ensure an incident free Christmas. Let me urge everyone to be vigilant during this Season, as we go about our business and enjoy the festivities. And of course, exercise the greatest of caution when using our roadways.
With the Winter Tourist Season now underway, it is in all of our best interest to ensure that Jamaica not only records its largest number of visitors to our island, but that everything is done to ensure that they enjoy the finest hospitality of which we are capable.
To this end, the Ministry of National Security has put in place the following measures to facilitate easier processing of our visitors and returning Jamaicans at the airports: In terms of staffing, 34 new immigration officers have been deployed between both airports. This will result in a staff increase of 50% at the Norman Manley Airport; and with 23 new officers already in place at the Sangster International Airport, they will have a 60% increase. These will be assisted by 24 roving immigration assistants to facilitate completion of forms and to provide information. Provision has also been made for the rotation of staff on needs basis between Kingston and Montego Bay . The physical facilities are simultaneously being enhanced by the following:

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