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Opening of the 2021/2022 Sectoral Debate by Hon. Edmund Bartlett, CD, MP, Minister of Tourism and Leader of the House


Minister of Tourism, Hon. Edmund Bartlett.


Introduction and Acknowledgements
Madam Speaker, I am humbled to have been granted the privilege of serving the citizens of our beloved country for another year. I am heartened by the positive outpouring of support from members on both sides of this Honourable House, as together we work to move our people from poverty to prosperity during what has been a very difficult year for Jamaica and the entire world.

My presentation, on this my 32nd occasion addressing this Honourable House, will focus primarily on the strides we have made, using innovative techniques, to rebuild our industry, which has been significantly impacted by the  COVID-19 pandemic.

Madam Speaker, it is a great privilege to be elected as a representative of the people and to be given this  tremendous responsibility of building forward stronger, our nation’s key industry — tourism. I, therefore, begin by thanking God for blessing me with the health and strength to provide the leadership required to fulfil this role with much success.

It is an additional privilege to serve as Leader of Government Business and Minister of Tourism. I thank the Most Honourable Prime Minister, Andrew Holness for placing his confidence in me in both capacities in the House of Representatives.

I also thank you, Madam Speaker, the Clerk and the committed staff of this Honourable House for the valuable role you play in so ably steering our nation’s parliamentary affairs.

I would like to thank my colleague ministers, their staff and public bodies, especially those whose work directly impacts the tourism sector. We all work together in the best interest of Jamaica, even if we view things from different perspectives.

I also extend special gratitude to the Opposition Spokesperson on Tourism, Senator Janice Allen, for her conscientious engagement with the task assigned to her.

Permit me also to say thanks to my Permanent Secretary, Ms. Jennifer Griffith, and the dedicated team within the Ministry and its public bodies, as well as the chairpersons of the respective public bodies, their board members and their executive directors.

To my personal staff, both in Kingston and St. James, I wish to acknowledge your contribution and thank you for your assistance.

Special thanks must be reserved for my constituents in East Central St. James, for your support throughout the years. I will continue to be the best representative for you and to keep working tirelessly to ensure that East Central St. James is a model constituency.

A key project that we have worked on is our soon to be fully completed housing development – the Edmund Ridge Estates in Rhyne Park.

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