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Message from Education Minister, Rev. Ronald Thwaites for Teachers’ Day 2013

The Ministry of Education welcomes the opportunity to join all Jamaicans in recognizing the sterling service that our nation’s teachers have rendered to the growth and development of our society. We salute and pay tribute to the members of this noble profession, for their contribution in moulding minds and educating people to fully achieve their developmental potential.

Teachers, along with the home and church, are crucial to the introduction of knowledge, and the honing of skills and attitudes in our children. They foster the foundation upon which hidden talents and abilities are awakened. The information imparted will influence decisions that can positively or negatively impact the society.

On behalf of a grateful nation, the Ministry pays respect to all our teachers, active and retired, on this day of appreciation. For those in the classroom, I ask that you remain steadfast in the pursuit of your mission and I encourage you to keep up the wonderful work despite the challenges. Thank you so much for your partnership in the country’s human development enterprise.

May God keep you in His grace always and may He bless you as you continue to shape and enrich the lives of others. Happy Teachers’ Day!!!

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