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Contribution to the 2014/2015 Sectoral Debate by Dr. Dayton Campbell

Mr Speaker, as I rise to make another presentation in this Honourable House I want to first express my gratitude to our beloved Prime Minister, the Most Honourable Portia Simpson Miller, who continues to be a safe pair of hands steering the ship as we navigate the stormy seas, I want to reassure her that I will continue to do all I can from where I sit to ensure that this administration goes down in history as one of the country’s greatest administrations. “And who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” 

I  want to thank you Mr Speaker for the unbiased way in which you have directed the proceedings in this august house, I want to thank my Regional Chair Minister Lisa Hanna who continues to provide astute leadership and mentorship in region one. I want to thank my colleagues on both sides of the aisle; I take this opportunity to assure the public we are not as divided as the pundits believe. Mr Speaker, I want to thank each and every one of my constituents, who in 2011, decided not to GAMBLE BUT RATHER TO VOTE FOR CAMPBELL, their love and hard work continues to be the wind beneath my wings.

I want to specially highlight Mr Lucius Thomas who like John the Baptist was responsible for paving the way. To my Councillors, I want to say “Thank You” for your hard work and dedication to North West St Ann. Mr Speaker, I want to thank my family for whom it has been a rough year but, like true Africans, we continue to survive although we have a history borne out of hardship and trials. I also want to thank my friends some of whom sit in this Honourable house who continue to be a source of inspiration. Finally Mr Speaker, I want to thank my Lord and Saviour, the resurrected one whose words comfort me daily. Words such as these found in Jeremiah 29 and verse 11, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

When I began this journey I made a commitment to changing the lives of those whom I represent in a positive way. I believe that politics is one of the most potent careers to effect real change. This kind of change pulls an individual out of the oblivion of doubt and points them to a path that leads them to realizing their dreams and aspiration. I received that chance, as all of us in this Honourable house did, to change our circumstance of others within my influence and I am making good on it. It is for that reason I can announce here today that you can expect great things from St Ann North Western as we have been working hard to ensure that the positive change that has eluded the people of the constituency for so long is now a welcome reality. Of course Mr Speaker, there is much left to do and we are up to the task.

Mr Speaker, I am of the firm belief that St. Ann North Western is one of the best constituencies in Jamaica, it has a comfortable mix of rural and urban areas, with Agriculture, Tourism, Mining the Bauxite Industry and small businesses all concentrated in its borders. The campaign leading up to the December 29, 2011 elections saw me asking the people to vote for a solid future under the broad slogan of the PNP “People Power”. Mr Speaker that is exactly what I intend to do, give the people power. Power to rise above the negatives and secure a real opportunity to pursue prosperity.   Mr Speaker the voice of the people is the voice of God. In light of this, we have sought to execute our development plan based on community consultations. The main areas that emerged as priority areas are as follows:
1) Infrastructure-
2) Employment
3) Education
4) Health care delivery
5) Youth Development
Mr Speaker, we will take these issues in turn after which I will speak to a few additional areas that are of particular interest to me…READ MORE

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