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Address by Senator Aundre Franklin, at the 14th Conference of the Parties to The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Poznan, Poland

Mr. President, Members of the Governing Council of the United Nations, Members of the Secretariat, Heads of States, Excellencies, Ministers, Heads of Delegations, friends.

I am honoured on behalf of the Government of Jamaica to address this 14th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and 4th Conference of the Parties, serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP 4).

Allow me to express my sincere gratitude to the Government and people of Poland for their warm hospitality and the excellent arrangements here at COP 14.

Mr. President, I must also recognize the hard work and dedication of members of the various delegations and experts who have paved the way for these deliberations.

The Global Challenge for Small Island-Developing States (SIDS)

Mr. President, it is with a sense for an urgent need for action that I speak to you today, since from all account, it would appear – Time, Mr. President – Time is running out for small island-Developing States (SIDS) such as mine. The recent 2009 Germanwatch -Global Climate Risk Index, has identified the Caribbean as a climate HOT SPOT ailing from climate change.

Mr. President an analysis of some 150 countries was carried out, and has ranked Jamaica as the 34th. most severely affected country traumatized by weather events, sea level rising, increased storm surges, hurricanes and floods.The Challenge of Natural Disasters

Mr. President, during the last three (3) years alone ,Jamaica and other countries in the Region, have been hit by five(5) major hurricanes resulting in significant loss of lives and livelihood, damage to infrastructure, agriculture, tourism and relocation of affected people and communities at an alarming rate, and make the issue of scaled -up financing for adaptation of utmost importance to us.

Mr. President, Jamaica’s emission of greenhouse gases are relatively small, however, we are willing to do all we can to further reduce these emissions.Jamaica’s Commitment to Fossil Fuel reduction

The Government of Jamaica is committed to reducing significantly, our almost total dependency on the use of fossil fuel for energy and production by 2017, and to increase the use of renewables to about 25% of our energy mix.

Jamaica has embarked on an ambitious programme of achieving developed country status by the year 2030 and in order to accomplish this goal, we firmly believe the development, diffusion and transfer of clean, less carbon intensive technologies along with the building of institutional and human capacities will be critical for us to achieve success.

Mr. President, I would therefore like to associate my delegation with statements from Antigua on behalf of G77, and China, Grenada on behalf of Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) and my Caribbean colleagues. I recognize that much more work has to be done at all levels and it is also incumbent on all governments to take the appropriate action to address Climate Change. This requires the involvement of all relevant stakeholders including at the political and community levels.

Emission reduction targets
Mr. President, Jamaica fully supports a second commitment period that will see the ANNEX 1 parties taking on ambitious and significant emission reduction targets.

Mr. President we look forward to improvements to be made to the mechanisms, while maintaining their environment’s integrity.

Strategic programme to scale-up technology transfer
Mr. President, On technology, Jamaica endorses the move by the Global Environment Facility to launch a strategic programme to scale-up technology transfer and we await its quick implementation.Adaptation Fund and the streamlining of the Clean Development Mechanism

Mr. President, Jamaica looks forward to the formal launch of the Adaptation Fund and the streamlining of the Clean Development Mechanism, making it more suitable to developing countries as well as expanding its geographic reach.

Mr. President – we are mindful that these negotiations are to be completed by COP -15. Ensuring that there should be no gaps between the END of the 1st commitment period under the KYOTO PROTOCOL to the entry into force of the new instrument.

We must also strive to begin the debate that will result in setting of meaningful emission targets for DEVELOPING COUNTRIES as well as obtaining support for the reporting of climate change actions under-taken by developing countries .Jamaica’s Commitment to the UNFCC

In closing – Mr. President let me assure COP-14 that Jamaica will continue to play its role at the UNFCCC through its representatives on the Boards of the clean Development Mechanism as well as the Adaptation Fund.

Mr. President – Let us leave Poland even more committed to work more diligently and in partnership towards a shared vision on cooperative action – to create that environment where we all can live in peace and harmony.

I thank you Mr. President.
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