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Six Judges Sworn in at King’s House

January 4, 2007

The Full Story

Six Judges were sworn in today (Jan. 4) to the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court by Governor-General His Excellency, the Most Hon. Professor Kenneth Hall at a ceremony held at King’s House.
The judges are: Mahadev Dukharan, (judge of the Court of Appeal); Justice Martin Gayle (Puisne judge); Marva McDonald Bishop (Puisne judge); Christine McDonald, (Puisne judge); Bertram Morrison, (Puisne judge) and Audre Lindo, who will serve as Master-in-Chambers for the Supreme Court.
Professor Hall told the gathering that, “What we are doing is ensuring the orderly succession of authority and responsibility within the justice system, as new persons are appointed to take over higher positions in that system”.
He informed that the selection of these individuals “is an indication that Jamaica still produces professionals of high quality to manage our judicial affairs”.
The Governor-General said the judges had a high responsibility not only to themselves but also to the people of Jamaica.
“I congratulate you on your respective appointments. I commend you for your efforts towards enhancing the quality of justice that is in our country. I encourage each of you to continue to serve this country with excellence so that the highest standards of justice can be maintained,” he said.
In his charge to the appointees, Chief Justice Lensley Wolfe said the demand upon the judges would be great, and therefore “you will be required to work much harder than you have worked before, because we have as judges of Jamaica, to ensure that the people feel safe within the boundaries of Jamaica”.
“We have to assure them that those who are bent on disturbing the peace of this country, that justice will be meted out to them so that we the responsible citizens, who are intent on building Jamaica, can feel free to go about our lawful business,” said Justice Wolfe.
In congratulating the judges on being reappointed by the Judicial Services Commission to act as judges of the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court, he added that, “It is an indication that you have performed well and I urge you to continue to do your best so that the people of Jamaica can have confidence in the justice system”.
Speaking on behalf of the judges, Justice Dukharan expressed appreciation, “I would like to say thanks on behalf of my colleagues and I can assure members present here and the public that we will do our utmost so that justice can prevail in this country,” said Justice Dukharan.

Last Updated: January 4, 2007

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