Sickle Cell Coordinators To Monitor Paediatric Patients
By: June 16, 2021 ,The Full Story
The Ministry of Health and Wellness will be placing sickle cell coordinators at public health facilities across the island who will be charged with providing support for paediatric patients.
National Coordinator for the Sickle Cell Programme at the Ministry, Dr. Carol Lord, told JIS News that the coordinators have been identified and they will be working with babies and children who have been diagnosed with the disease.
She noted that the coordinators will have responsibility for monitoring the patients when they leave the hospital, through telephone calls or working with the community health aides (CHA).
The monitoring is to ensure that they are taking their medication and accessing regular healthcare.
Dr. Lord noted that persons with sickle cell disease should register with the National Health Fund (NHF) to access medication at reduced costs.
She noted that the entity plans to include additional drugs to treat the various complications associated with the illness.
The Ministry of Health is observing Sickle Cell Week from June 13 to June 19.
On Wednesday (June 16), the Ministry will stage a ‘Sickle Cell Conversation’ under the theme ‘Tackling the Pain and Winning’,
Panellists include State Minister, Hon. Juliet Cuthbert-Flynn; Dr. Lord; Co-founder of the Sickle Cell Support Club of Jamaica, Morette Wright; Professor/Director Sickle Cell Unit, Caribbean Institute for Health Research, University of the West Indies, Professor Jennifer Knight Madden; and Medical Epidemiologist in the Non-Communicable Disease and Injury Prevention Unit, Ministry of Health, Dr. Julia Rowe Porter.
The event will run from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. and streamed live on the Ministry’s social media platforms.
Among the areas for discussion are the pain of diagnosis, accessing care, acute crises, stigmatisation, and mental health issues.
On Saturday (June 19), which is World Sickle Cell Day, a documentary will be aired on the Ministry’s social media platforms, starting at 6:30 p.m. It will feature patients sharing their experience, including coping with the disease and accessing care.
Dr. Lord, who is also Programme Development Officer and Public Health Specialist in the Ministry’s Family Health Unit, called on employees and school administrators to support sickle cell patients as much as possible “because sometimes they may have to stay away from work and school, because of their illness”.
Also during the week, the Ministry, in collaboration with the Sickle Cell Support Foundation of Jamaica, will be posting several messages on sickle cell on social media platforms.
Sickle cell disease or sickle cell anaemia is a recessive genetic blood disorder, which comes as a result of inheriting abnormal haemoglobin genes from both parents. It is characterised by the red blood cells assuming an abnormal, rigid, sickle shape.
Sickling decreases the flexibility of cells, blocking blood flow in the blood vessels in the limbs and organs, which can cause pain, serious infections, and organ damage.