Ananda Alert
the Ananda Alert initiative, which started in 2009, this traumatic, sleepless wait is a thing of the past and a child can be reported missing within a few hours of disappearance.
Canadian Skills Programme
The Ministry of Labour and Social Security is seeking persons to fill a number of positions on the Canadian Skills Programme.These positions range from drivers and mechanics to servers and supervisors
Starting a Business – The Basics
Jamaica Business Development Corporation, JBDC will help you to become the successful entrepreneur you aspire to be.
Tax Harmonization Act
Tax Harmonization Act this act make provision under several enactment for harmonizing the treatment of Charitable organisation for the purpose of taxation and for connected matters
O.C.A. New Website
"OCA.GOV.JM" The address of the Office of the Children’s Advocate’s website
JBDC To Push MSME Policy
The Jamaica Business Development Corporation (JBDC) is to play an integral role in the implementation of initiatives outlined in the recently launched Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) and Entrepreneurship Policy.
Police Week
Throughout the week of November 24 to 30, Jamaica will observe Police week 2013. It will be celebrated under the theme: ‘Enlightened by our past, Enriching the Present, Envisioning The Future’.
Minister Phillips on Economy
Economy has been showing signs of growth. Can this growth be maintained?
Measures Stimulating Economic Growth
Measures Stimulating Economic Growth Minister Peter Phillips