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Sexual Harassment Tribunal to Become Operational in 2024/2025

By: , February 15, 2024
Sexual Harassment Tribunal to Become Operational in 2024/2025
Governor-General, His Excellency the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen

The Full Story

The Sexual Harassment Tribunal will become operational during the 2024/2025 financial year, states Governor-General, His Excellency the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen.

Delivering the 2024/2025 Throne Speech in the the House of Representatives, today (February 15), the Governor-General said the Tribunal will address sexual harassment complaints.

He also noted that through amendment of the Domestic Act, 2023, the Government continued its efforts to end gender-based violence.

Importantly, too, the Governor-General said the third National Shelter will be renovated during 2024/2025, to “support victims of gender-based violence”.

The Governor-General said given the leading role played by Jamaica in the global mission to keep sports clean, the Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport was elected to the Foundation Board of the World Anti-Doping Agency, “a significant achievement as the first ever English-speaking Caribbean representative on the Board.”

To further enhance the country’s excellence in entertainment, the Portmore-based JamWorld Entertainment Complex is being renovated for the facility to be the first 24-hour Entertainment Zone, to “address the need for designated entertainment areas”, the Governor-General told the House.

The Governor-General highlighted that the nomination of the “Archaeological Landscape of 17th Century Port Royal” for inscription to the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage List, has “put us again on the global stage”.

“The ‘Port Royal Sunken City’ is the only site in the Western Hemisphere, and one of three in the world that fall into the category of ‘Catastrophic Sites,” he said, adding that amendments will be made to the Jamaica National Heritage Trust Act, so that it can respond to “changing norms” in heritage protection and management, consistent with international trends and best practices.

Last Updated: February 15, 2024

Jamaica Information Service