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Several Major Projects at KPH and VJH this Year

June 22, 2007

The Full Story

For this financial year, a number of major projects will be carried out at the Kingston Public Hospital (KPH) and the Victoria Jubilee Hospital (VJH).
As outlined in a Ministry Paper tabled in the House on June 19 by Minister of Health, Horace Dalley, the projects include the expansion of the Renal and Cobalt Units, the procurement and installation of elevators for both hospitals and repairing of the fifth floor at the VJH.
Also noted in the document are repairs to the East and West Edwina wings at the KPH, complete renovation of defective roofs at KPH and VJH and the purchase of 10 pieces of critical medical equipment.
A consultant to design and provide professional management services for the premature nursery, operating theatre and delivery room, will also be recruited this year, and a Management Information System project will be implemented.
The Ministry Paper notes that during the last financial year, approximately $140 million capital expenditure was invested at the KPH and VJH.
The capital funding was provided from various sources, including the Ministry of Health, National Health Fund (NHF), the Culture, Health, Arts, Sports and Education (CHASE) Fund, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the South East Regional Health Authority (SERHA).
Several rehabilitation works were undertaken at the medical complex, including the painting of the external surfaces of the doctors’ quarters, the accident and emergency building and main maternal buildings; the painting of the internal surfaces of the outpatient department, south operating theatre, operating suite at VJH and the accident and emergency department; repair of the vacuum pump system and central air conditioning system at the KPH and the replacement of water tanks and installation of water pumps at the main maternal building.
The nurses’ lounge, consultants’ lounge, doctors’ quarters and the outpatients department (South Clinic) areas were also renovated.
The installation of various critical health care equipment was also carried out, including the installation of one CT machine, three X-Ray machines, four ultrasound machines and a portable ultrasound machine. Four desk top sterilizers, two anaesthetic machines, two stretchers, two monitors and two autopsy saws and blades were purchased for the facility.
Also purchased were some equipment for the medical complex, including 150 fans, 20 televisions for health promotion, two ECG machines and five wheelchairs.
The document states that the Ministry of Health also facilitated the installation of 10 air conditioning units in the Health Records, Physiotherapy and Premature Nursery departments.
Assistance from the NHF resulted in the renovation of the oxygen system at KPH, the renovation of the roofs at the outpatient department (North), library and accident and emergency department, and the purchase of 36 blood pressure machines.

Last Updated: June 22, 2007

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