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Several Activities for Senior Citizens Month

By: , September 16, 2023
Several Activities for Senior Citizens Month
Photo: JIS File
Executive Director of the National Council for Senior Citizens (NCSC), Cassandra Morrison.

The Full Story

September is observed in Jamaica as Senior Citizens Month, with the last week, September 24 to October 1, being observed as Senior Citizens Week.

Under the theme ‘Embracing Wisdom, Uniting Generations’, the National Council for Senior Citizens (NCSC) has planned several activities to be executed during the period.

Speaking with JIS News, Executive Director of the NCSC, Cassandara Morrison, said the theme is apt because senior citizens are very important members of  families and  communities.

“The aim of Senior Citizens Month is to promote the inclusion of senior citizens in our family and in our communities, to recognise their contribution to society, and to appreciate and honour them,” she said.

On Sunday, September 17, the Power of Faith Ministries in Portmore, St. Catherine, will host the National Church Service, which is scheduled to start at 7:00 a.m.

Minister of Labour and Social Security, Hon. Pearnel Charles Jr., will launch the activities for Senior Citizens Week on Tuesday, September 19, virtually.

World Alzheimer’s Day will be observed on September 21, under the theme ‘Never too Early, Never too Late’.

According to Mrs. Morrison, a significant number of persons over 65 years live with Alzheimer’s and dementia and the Council is cognisant of the fact that when a person is diagnosed, it takes a toll on the entire family.

“The aim is to continue the campaign to raise awareness for the disease and improve in the living conditions for persons living with Alzheimer’s disease,” she said.

Sunday, September 24 is National Grandparents Day.

The NCSC is encouraging Jamaicans to do something special for grandparents on the day.

The highlight of the Week is the National Senior Citizens Spelling Bee Competition on Thursday, September 28, starting at 9:00 a.m.

Seniors representing the 14 parishes will be competing for the National Senior Bee trophy.

This will be broadcast live on Power 106 FM.

In recognition of International Day of Older Persons on October 1, the NCSC will publish a Senior Citizens Week supplement in the daily newspapers.

Activities will also be extended beyond September.

These include an Ageing Fair at Emancipation Park, Kingston, on October 5, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

It is being described as a health, social services and information fair for senior citizens and their families.

On October 8, a 2K Purple Run/Walk is scheduled to take place at Island Village, Ocho Rios, St. Ann, to close off the events for Senior Citizens Month 2023.

Mrs. Morrison pointed out that throughout the Month, the NCSC will be recognising senior citizens in every parish who have been outstanding in their contributions to community development or any other significant and outstanding contribution that seniors have made.

The public is being encouraged to participate in the various activities via the Ministry of  Labour and Social Security and NCSC social media platforms.

Last Updated: September 18, 2023

Jamaica Information Service