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Senator wants break in monopoly on electricity

June 11, 2011

The Full Story

KINGSTON — Government Senator, Dennis Meadows is recommending that the administration engage the Jamaica Public Service Company (JPSCo) in discussions, with a view to breaking the monopoly of the sole distributor of electricity.

In a Private Member’s Motion tabled in the Senate yesterday June 10, Senator Meadows noted that the government should conduct a review of existing legislation, with a view to ensuring competition in the generation and distribution of electricity.

“This monopoly is proving to be inimical to the country’s development in terms of the cost of electricity on the capacity of our manufacturers to competitively produce goods and services internationally,” Senator Meadows said.

He added that the cost of electricity to Jamaicans, particularly the productive sector, is proving to be prohibitive, thereby "stifling the growth of the Jamaican economy."

“The government’s thrust to grow the economy will be adversely affected by the absence of competition in the distribution and generation of electricity. The majority of Jamaicans opine that JPSCo exacts a heavy toll on their pockets, with little or no recourse and view the company as being oppressive and burdensome,” Senator Meadows said.

He also noted that the government, consistent with its energy policy, should vigorously pursue new avenues of energy generation, including nuclear energy.

The JPSCo has a customer base of nearly 600,000, and a generation capacity that exceeds 620 Megawatts. It operates 27 generating plants, 54 sub-stations, and own approximately 14,000 kilometres of distribution and transmission lines.



Last Updated: August 9, 2013

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