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Security in Place for Staff at Hospitals – Health Minister

May 27, 2010

The Full Story

Minister of Health, Hon. Rudyard Spencer, has assured that security is in place to ensure the safety of the staff at both the Kingston Public and Victoria Jubilee Hospitals.
“We prevented the staff from driving cars. We have been driving ambulances and the police have been escorting them in, and even when there was no security, the people came and left by themselves and we can’t pay them for that,” the Minister said.

Minister of Health, Hon. Rudyard Spencer (right), says thanks to Nurse Department Sister, Kingston Public Hospital, Mrs. Carol Barrett Crooks, during a tour of the facility, today (May 27). Looking on is President of the Nurses Association of Jamaica, Mrs. Edith Allwood-Anderson. Nurses at the hospital worked long hours during the recent unrest in sections of Kingston.

Mr. Spencer, who was on a tour of both facilities, today (May 27), commended the staff who worked at both hospitals throughout the recent unrest in sections of Kingston.
He said the staff at all levels did a tremendous job under the strenuous circumstances that were compounded by threats to their safety.
“To have the staff working as they did is remarkable; words seem almost inadequate to describe what they have done. I just want to say that Jamaica owes these people at Victoria Jubilee and Kingston Public Hospitals a debt of gratitude. They were the saving grace in all this, they have been more than professional and it just shows that despite all the many problems, we have the staff that can come together when it’s important,” the Minister said.
Meanwhile, Head of the Ministry of Health’s (MOH) Emergency Operation Centre, Dr. Marion Bullock DuCasse noted that currently, there are nine health centres opened in the Kingston and St. Andrew area.

Minister of Health, Hon. Rudyard Spencer touches a baby in neonatal care at the Victoria Jubilee Hospital, during a tour of the facility, today (May 28). Holding the baby is Ward Assistant at the Hospital, Ms. Carletta Maragh.

“As the situation improves, more health centres will also open. We are also putting together teams to go into affected communities to serve the people. Those are our immediate plans,” Dr. DuCasse said.

Last Updated: August 15, 2013

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