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Seaga for Lecture Series in South Florida

April 23, 2007

The Full Story

Distinguished Fellow at the University of the West Indies (UWI), Edward Seaga, will be the first presenter at the inaugural launch of the Distinguished Lecture Series, to be held on April 27 at the Nova Southeastern University in Davie, South Florida.
Mr. Seaga, a former Prime Minister, will speak on the ‘Role of Culture in the Development of the Jamaican Psyche – How We Define Ourselves’.
Jamaica Awareness Incorporated, a South Florida cultural organization, is presenting the lecture series, in association with the Jamaican Diaspora in the southern USA.
Prior to the lecture, Mr. Seaga will answer questions at a press conference to be held at 10:00 a.m. at the offices of Mystik Radio 1400 AM, located at 4431 Rock Island Road in Fort Lauderdale.
Through the series, topics affecting the Caribbean community will be addressed using world-renowned scholars, according to the President of Jamaica Awareness, Sydney Roberts.Mr. Seaga was appointed a Distinguished Fellow of the UWI following his retirement in January 2005 from active politics, serving as Leader of the Jamaica Labour Party, a position he held for 30 years. With his active political career spanning over 40 years, Mr. Seaga has served the longest continuously of any elected representative in the English speaking Caribbean.
With his recent appointment as a Distinguished Fellow by the UWI, he is now engaged in research and the writing of books. The Jamaica Awareness Incorporated was formed in 1984 and aims at heightening the awareness of Caribbean culture through the delivery of events highlighting the region’s various art forms in the South Florida community.

Last Updated: April 23, 2007

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